Art for the Ages…
Artist Alley has become one of MayFest's most anticipated interactive family features! Thanks to community volunteers the narrow alleyway connecting the 100 blocks of F Street and College Ave is home for a day to an array of fun art projects and activities free for the community to make and enjoy! We are also looking for artists who are interested in doing live demonstrations of their work throughout the day in ART ALLEY, downtown Cheney's future permenant artist alleyway. Register today to get involved or showcase your work.
Registration is OPEN under the Registrations sign up Quick!
Our hope is to give the crowds at MayFest a chance to see art being created live! So there is no fee to participate or sell your art, as long as you are actively creating while you are there! We will be promoting our vision for our little alley of art throughout the day and would love for you to be part of making ART a staple in Historic Downtonw Cheney.